Enrolling In Our School
Preschool Registration
Beverly Public Schools runs three screenings a year, for Beverly residents ages three to five, in September, December, and March. The (ESI) Early Screening Inventory (revised edition) is given at that time and any parent interested in enrolling their child in preschool as a typical peer or any parent who may have concerns about their child’s development are encouraged to participate. As part of the Community Partnership, the Beverly Public Schools meets regularly with Early Intervention and Head Start agencies to ensure a smooth transition into our programs and prompt evaluations and screening as deemed necessary. Results of the screening are shared with parents and referrals to special education are made when appropriate. Dates and times of the screening will be advertised in the local newspapers and local cable station. If you are interested in signing your child up for a screening, please contact Kathy Whitehair at 978-921-6100, X21702 or [email protected].The McKeown Preschool is a tuition-based program for typical peers with fees being determined on a yearly basis by the school committee. Scholarships are available on a sliding-fee scale. Information on tuition fees will be provided at the time of the screening and registration.
Payments are due monthly with checks made payable to:
Beverly Public Schools, 70 Balch St, Beverly, MA 01915
Payments can also be paid online, by following this link:
Parents who have a child turning three and are concerned about their child’s development may send a letter to Melissa McKinnon, PreSchool Coordinator, McKeown School, 70 Balch Street, Beverly, MA 01915 to request an initial evaluation for the purposes of determining eligibility for Special Education Services.